A colloquium in tribute to 3 eminent physicists
22-23 Jun 2022 Orsay (France)


This Colloquium is a tribute to three eminent physicists, recently passed away, who significantly contributed to the emergence and development of the field of atomic physics in hot plasmas at the Orsay Faculty of Sciences (Paris-Saclay University): Jacques Bauche, Pierre Jaeglé and Jean-François Wyart.

LULI annual seminar - march 1999LULI annual seminar, march 1999: center, Jacques Bauche, right, Pierre Jaeglé and, left, Jean-François Wyart (red circles).

Their scientific work led to major advances, notably the development of XUV lasers and the understanding of complex spectra observed in the extreme conditions of thermonuclear fusion or astrophysics.

Their international recognition will be highlighted through review presentations given by respected invited speakers. This will allow younger researchers and PhD students to better understand their contributions in several fields: atomic physics in matter with high energy density, intense XUV sources and their applications, …

Examples of ongoing developments that their scientific work continues to inspire will be presented by young researchers.

The Colloquium will cover three half-days (Wednesday 22 June afternoon and Thursday 23 June full day). Il will be organized in a hybrid format: online, and in-person (max. 50) at Institut Pascal, Université Paris-Saclay.

Free registration (no fee) is mandatory in both cases.

In-person registration is close but online registration si still possible.

Invited speakers (confirmed attendance)

  • Stephanie Hansen (Sandia National Lab., USA)
  • Olivier Peyrusse (LP3, Aix-Marseille Univ., France)
  • Jorge Rocca (Colorado State Univ., USA)
  • Stéphane Sebban (LOA, IP Paris/ENSTA, France)
  • Alexander Kramida (NIST, USA)
  • Lydia Tchang-Brillet (LERMA, Meudon Obs./Sorbonne Univ., France)

Sciientific committee

  • Djamel Benredjem (LAC, Univ. Paris-Saclay, France)
  • Sylvie Jacquemot (LULI, IP Paris, France)
  • Annie Klisnick (ISMO, CNRS, France)

Organizing committee

  • Nathalie Baudry (ISMO, CNRS, France)
  • Olivier Dulieu (LAC, CNRS, France)
  • Jean-Christophe Pain (CEA-DAM-DIF, France)
  • Lydia Tchang-Brillet (LERMA, Obs. Paris-Meudon, France)

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